We find you the best insurance solutions and prices
Insurance ke Nthoa rona.
Rea e Tseba!
(Insurance is our Business. We know it!)

Engineering Insurance
Protects businesses against risks during ongoing construction and or installation projects. It extends to machines and equipment. It also covers businesses against material losses caused by accidents or natural disasters.
In addition, this cover protects businesses against third party liability in the case of personal injury or property damage.

Contractors All Risk Insurance
We offer two types of construction risks insurance. The first covers damage to property, such as buildings and other structures being constructed or to the existing building in which the construction is being carried out.
The second covers liability for third party claims for injury and death or damage to third party property.

Machinery Breakdown
Offers businesses protection against sudden and unforeseen physical loss or damage to machinery which is operational or at rest.

Erection All Risk Insurance
Protects businesses against risks that come with construction projects or installation of plants, machinery, and equipment, be it small or large. It includes:
- Physical loss or damage to work, construction plant and equipment, property and third parties.

Plant All Risks
Covers businesses against unforeseen and accidental physical loss or damage due to external causes including: – collision and overturning, fire, burglary, theft, faulty operation, earthquakes, storms and even floods.
This cover is also known as Contractors’ Plan and Machinery (CPM) insurance.